APRIL 2023


Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)


Last month earthquakes in Turkey and Syria were part of the message. This month we have the tornado that devastated Rolling Forks, Mississippi. As is Turkey/Syria the monster attacked in the middle of the night. So very many people left their earthly estate that night and will awake to their eternal award or eternal condemnation. Probably not one of those lost gave a thought before going to bed that this would be their last night on earth.


Each one of those mentioned above is/was special, created in the image of God for His pleasure, and purposes, but did they know? Did they know that fulfilling God’s purposes would give them a fulfillment in life that nothing else on earth could ever compare to both  in this world and the one to come? Did anyone ever share God’s Word with them? It is too late for them now for it is appointed for man once to die and after that the judgment. (Hebrews 9:27)


I reviewed photo footage made recently in Turkey and in Mississippi. I want to remember the fleetingness of life and possessions to keep a proper perspective. Last month I mentioned that the chaos sweeping the world would sweep across our land. So you are not mislead, it is not something that is coming, but is here now and will continue to increase in intensity.


Years ago, when Katrina struck New Orleans I prayed about taking a crew and equipment down to help out. What the Holy Spirit impressed on me was, “No, you don’t have to go to it, it will come to you.” Disasters will continue to sweep the world including our nation. This article goes out to several states, even Africa. Only God knows who may see it on the website. Regardless of where you are in the world the chaos will touch, even overwhelm you. Only those in a sincere relationship with the King of Kings (Jesus) will be able to withstand the physical and spiritual attacks. It is only by obedience to the Holy Spirit’s directions you will know which path to take. Consider this promise found in Isaiah 30:20-21; And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, Yet your teachers will not be moved into a corner anymore, But your eyes shall see your teachers. You shall hear a word behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”To those who desire the truth God will send it, and it will align with His Word untwisted, veiled, or perverted. Multitudes today have been fed a poisonous diet that appears right but leads to physical and spiritual death. Whether it is in popery, the prosperity gospel, and now most evangelical circles any deviation from what God proclaims in His Word is perversion. Whether it is extorting money, neglecting the widow or homeless, murdering your unborn and born children the path leads to eternal condemnation. Acknowledging your sin to a Righteous God, asking Jesus to forgive you for your part in His crucifixion, turning from the old life, and embracing the new with Him cleanses you from all sin. Then come what may in this world you are secure in Him for all of eternity. The Holy Spirit will begin and empower the transformation process in your life.


My original desire for this month was to bring to remembrance some of those who have gone before us and the debt of gratitude we owe them for the Gospel now available to us. We used to hear of certain well known heroes of the faith, and often their martyrdom, but reading the history of the Church since the days of the original apostles makes it abundantly clear that the Bible we so easily neglect today was paid for in blood by those who cared enough to preserve it for you and me. They loved enough to be willing to pay whatever the cost. Governments and church leaders have tried for centuries to either eradicate or regulate the Gospel message. Often it was to suit political agendas. Pursuits of money, pride, and power were, and still are central in the attempts to destroy the credibility of God’s Word or it’s interpretation. God’s intent for His Word was for ALL men, women, and children, not just the ‘elite.’ Keeping the general populace unlearned/ignorant except for brainwashing curriculum kept those ‘elite’ in control.


There are many faithful followers of Christ all over the world, even in our country as hard as that may be to believe at times. Here in the West we have permitted minorities to silence the majority. Instead of taking firm Biblical stands we have compromised the foundation that made this the most powerful and wealthiest nation on earth. Because of that we will enjoin third world status. The teacher mentioned being pushed in the corner on the first page I believe now represents the faithful teachers that have been pushed aside, silenced, mocked, or at least ignored until now. In the midst, even despite the intensifying chaos that will appear to reign, those of like faith and character will have God granted grace to minister to hearing ears and breaking hearts.


A change of subject...Have you been getting an increasing number of donation requests? I’ve never before seen such a massive volume, many are from organizations I’ve never heard of. Most send cards, checks(to be returned with yours of course), membership cards, address labels, emotion stirring pictures, cheap articles of clothing, etc. I’m sure it is a sign of what is really going on in our economy, but one gets the impression that all of these organizations have hired the same marketing agency that has run out of innovative ideas to get us involved. Now, saying that, I’m going to get out of character and attempt to do some fund raising. If you could donate to possibly the world’s most powerful ministry that uses 100% of all donations for the purpose named, would you? (All overhead expenses are covered by it’s members dues.) That ministry is the Gideons International. They distribute full Bibles and New Testaments all over the world. They will also come to your church and share the history of their 125 yr old ministry. They share the simple gospel of Jesus Christ and freely give New Testaments or Bibles so you can search out the truth for yourself. You can contact locally or mail to Gideons International PO Box 140800 Nashville, Tennessee 37214-0800. I picture all of those scriptures as mini-hydrogen bombs awaiting detonation in the enemies camp!    Love and Blessings to all!                                             Kenneth H. Fleming                                                                     502 Market Street

(814) 687-3707                                                                       Fallentimber, Pa. 16639