Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

This is my favorite month of the year. For the most part summer’s heat and humidity is gone and the Fall foliage in our part of the country is usually beautiful. This year appears to be another banner one. I was sitting in my deer stand before daylight enjoying the stirring of the usual day creatures. It invoked a spirit of deep thankfulness as thoughts of those in war ravaged nations, and those suffering from catastrophic ‘natural’ events crossed my mind.

Soon, all peace will be taken from the earth(Revelation 6:4). We see a foreshadowing of that in our nation even now, the intensity of it growing daily. No one, human or animal will be exempt from the pressure. If you don’t have a real living relationship with Jesus you will be inundated by the chaos. A nominal Christian (One in name only) cannot withstand the demonic attacks that have been unleashed on all of creation up until now, much less those coming in greater measure. This is not some futuristic occurrence but a news today statement.

I just read an interesting article about one of Biden’s Secret Service men being attacked by their (Biden’s) pet dog. It was only one of several attacks the animal had done. Their prior dog had done so many unprovoked attacks they sent the dog away to relatives. When peace reigns in a household even the animals will be affected. The same principle applies when confusion or chaos reigns. I can’t know for sure but I believe the demonic powers embraced in the White House are so entrenched they will never be removed. The power of the blood of Jesus Christ can overcome any enemy, but those affected/ attacked have to recognize their need, renounce their possession of it, desire for it,  and cast it out in the Name of Jesus. Such is not the case in our nation’s capitol. They are crazed with a lust for power, sex, money, and status. These lusts are actually demonic spirits ruling in the life of men and women. They are not just resident in Washington, DC either, but around the globe and ‘home’ wherever they are permitted to influence or reign.

Years ago we were ministering in a home for the elderly. There was a resident there who was demon possessed, not in a loud or vulgar way but when you looked into her eyes you knew something else was looking at you. We regularly went there and a day came that I was sitting down talking to the real her. I explained to her that she could be delivered of her ‘companions’. Her reply was, “They are my friends.” She wanted to keep her ‘friends’! As far as I know she died with them still as ‘her friends’ in a state institution.

I am convinced we are all influenced by satanic powers throughout our life. We are born with a propensity to sin which our enemy seeks to employ at every opportunity. God gives us a conscience which often (if we recall!) gives a little inkling that something isn’t right about what is being presented. It’s a warning to stop and think before acting or saying. Our choice is often based on what we have learned starting in childhood and extending throughout our earthly journey. God’s Word directs us to, “Train up a child in the way he should go..” Proverbs 22:6. It is also, according to God’s Word, primarily the father’s responsibility to see this is done. That explains Satan’s attack on the proper family structure. A special thanks to God for the His mothers, grandmothers, and other women that have stepped in when the men failed to do so. When we begin to look at the big picture of God’s plans verses the schemes of Satan the horrible issues and troubles of the world make sense. A couple of weeks ago I wrote a simple statement down that said, “It all makes sense.” Truly everything, when looked at in a Biblical context, makes sense. Our choices are either bringing blessings or curses. Some may not be so evident at first glance, such as a seed when you first look at it. It is not until it starts to grow, then matures, that it’s true identity shows.

Although October is my favorite month, not everything about it’s content falls into that category. I do have a hate about the month. It is one simple word, Halloween! The founding fathers of this nation would not permit Halloween festivities. Although many of them probably had ‘issues’ of their own that wasn’t Biblical they recognized the demonic ties and dangers to the new nation. It was not until the time of the Irish Potato Famine and the immigration of many into this country that the celebrations found their footing. It has become the Satanic High Day of the year.

 It originates as a worshipping of Samhain, Lord of the Dead. Human sacrifices were a part of some of the celebrations. The Celtic Druids, as their New Year approached (Nov 1), would build bonfires and hold ceremonial fire rites to invoke Samhain’s pleasure. Either people or animals were burned alive while the Druids watched and saw omens in the way their sacrifices died. Faces were also carved into pumpkins or large turnips and lit candles to ward off evil spirits. Fat from humans and animals was sometimes rendered and used to light the faces. Rome defeated the Celts by approximately 47 AD in England, and outlawed human sacrifice but the Druids went underground.

Roman Catholic church leaders attempted to control the pagan holiday and we eventually wound up with All Saints Day. They permitted a mixture which has always been unacceptable to God. Human reason cannot ever combat the forces of evil. We see the same attempts being made to give a substitute for Halloween in most denominations. 

Growing up most, maybe all, of us participated in trick or treating, etc but we were never told about the truth. I’m sure my mother and her parents would have told us had they known. Even the other side of my family, the unchurched group, I’m sure would have hesitated. At least I would like to think so!

After the immigrants came with Halloween it took some 60 years to become grafted into our culture. It only takes us one choice to break that stronghold off. We can either participate or not participate. I cannot profess to be a follower of Christ and honor His arch enemy. Dress him up as an angel, he is still your avowed enemy and seeking any foothold he can get. Whether in you, your home, your church, your community, your state, or your nation, he is still the destroyer of all that is good and acceptable in your life.  When he gets control of your life here on earth, he will get you for eternity.

Jesus and the walk He calls you to with Him is your hope, your deliverance, your salvation.                                                                                                                             Kenneth H. Fleming                                                                                                                            502 Market Street (814) 687-3707 Fallentimber, Pa. 16639 ENJOY THE MONTH, THE HIGHS, THE LOWS, THE FROST?                                                                                                                                                                                                          BLESSINGS1